Well, here are my very own pages ...
Although I've created lots of web pages for others, I've never really spent much time on my own personal pages. A good web site should be interesting and lively with frequent changes & updates; it should also be informative and above all, readable. Sadly, many personal web pages tend to be a bit egotistic and rather static, lacking anything of real substance and are sometimes hard to read or even downright boring. To be frank, I much prefer writing the sort of informative pages you'll see elsewhere.
And I'm not really happy with the aesthetics of these pages either - too clunky, too reminiscent of the No. 19 set. Still here we go ... it's an on-going learning experience for me.
This web site was originally set up in December 1996 on an old 496 PC (July 2000: it still is on an old 486 PC believe it or not!) to gain experience with using a Linux platform as a webserver, to experiment with various httpd server packages and to make freely available an article on configuring Windows 95 to access the King's College RAMS service (a dial-up Internet and remote access service). Early in 1997, this expanded into the original RAMS web site and became very popular - it has now moved to the official King's College web site. For fun and to learn more about integrating photos and graphics with html, I added a section on my cars - for some strange reason, this has become incredibly popular with dozens of hits a day (and offers to buy them too!).
I began updating these personal pages in January 1998 - you'll still not find much here in the way of flash graphics, etc nor will you find page after page of boring CVs ... What you will find here are some of the things that I find interesting .... Linux, interesting cars, food, music, machinery, art & architecture, DIY and work. Finally, links to the KCL RAMS pages and a little bit about me.